The Foundation of Grimesthorpe Academy

The Academy was established in response to Hazrat Aqdas Mawlana Yusuf Motala Sahib concern for our children’s Islamic & Secular Education. We take great pleasure and comfort for being one of the many institutions around the world & one of the many seeds planted by our Hazrat during his lifetime.



Grimesthorpe Academy was founded by Hazrat Aqdas Mawlana Yusuf Motala Sahib quddisa sirruhu (‘Hazrat’) who was the beloved senior Khalifa of Hazrat Sheikhul Hadith Mohammad Zakariyya al-Kahndhlawi (RA). It was registered in 2009 as charity in England & Wales under registration number 1129269. Hazrat appointed (Mawlana) Mohammad Irshad hafizahullah to oversee the running of Grimesthorpe Academy and to fulfil Hazrat’s vision for it.

The Academy was established in response to Hazrat’s concern for our children’s Islamic & Secular Education. In one of his letters Hazrat states, “The state of our children in this country is declining on a daily basis and carelessness towards Islamic & Non Islamic education is becoming common & widespread”.

“For the salvation of this generation it is very important that work be carried out from every angle by every institute and every person. If this generation is left unattended then it frightens me to even think about what is to become of them growing up in this environment”.

When Hazrat first visited the Academy he performed 2 rakats nafl salah, made dua and gave instructions to open a Maktab. The Maktab started with 5 students and now Alhamdulillah caters for over 400 students with many more on the waiting list.

Hazrat had also expressed his wish to see a masjid established in order to serve the needs of the local community. Hazrat had specifically instructed that in the application for registration with the charity commission we also include the running of a masjid in our aims. This wish of Hazrat came to materialise some years after when in December 2012 the former Sikh Temple Building opposite from the main site came up for sale. This building attracted a lot of interest. After consultation with Hazrat an offer for the building was submitted. Alhamdulillah the offer was accepted and the new site was acquired.

It was decided that a complete renovation of the building was required. Accordingly the building was demolished to the lower level and rebuilt on the previous footings together with a new floor and a new roof.

On Friday 14th Sept 2018 the Masjid was formally opened by Hazrat. Hazrat attended Jumu’ah salaat and addressed the congregation on this blessed occasion & had named the Masjid, Jami’ul Fuqara. In naming the masjid Hazrat said:

“We will also name the masjid. Keep the name Jami’ul Fuqara in reference to the verse of the Qur’an ‘ For the fuqara/poor (namely ashabe Suffa )who are confined in the way of Allah, unable to travel in the land. An ignorant person takes them as free of need because of their abstinence. You know them by their appearance . They do not beg people importunately. And whatever good thing you spend, Allah is All-Aware of it.’ (Qur’an 2:273)

Write this Quranic ayat with its translation (on the signage of the masjid). May Allah create the qualities of those Ashabe Suffa mentioned in the verse, in the students, teachers and worshippers. With this intention keep the name Jami’ul Fuqara.”

two mosque minarets under calm sky
two mosque minarets under calm sky
silhouette of man standing near trees during sunset
silhouette of man standing near trees during sunset
white and red table cloth on table
white and red table cloth on table

By the grace of Allah and our beloved Hazrat’s duas and spiritual attention the masjid in addition to providing a place for 5 daily Salahs is also a spiritual hub in the heart of a predominantly Muslim community from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds with a pleasant and friendly atmosphere.

The Masjid has also allowed us to run more Maktab classes. The Maktab now operates from 2 separate buildings thereby catering for more students whilst also ensuring separate designated facilities for both male and female students are catered for. The Academy has a warm, welcoming and caring atmosphere in a beautiful and much praised building. Hundreds of students have studied with us and the Maktab has produced over 20 huffaz; a number of which have gone on to lead tarawih salah in Ramadhan.

The Academy also runs Adult Qur‘an Classes for males and females, Study Support to help students in their core subjects at school & college. Other activities have included Toddler Groups, Summer Clubs, Family Fun Day’s, Support for Parents losing children, Football Coaching, Nikah Ceremonies, Tarawih / Itikaaf programmes in Ramadhan etc.

We take great pleasure and comfort for being one of the many institutions around the world & one of the many seeds planted by our Hazrat during his lifetime. Jami’ul Fuqara was Hazrat ‘s last institute opened in United Kingdom before meeting his Creator.

We make dua that we continue forward with Hazrat’s vision together with following the footsteps of the best of all creation & our beloved & final Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alai wasalm.

May Allah subhanahu ta’ala shower his infinite mercy, blessings & protection on this Institute & upon all those behind it and upon all our other institutes that are serving the Deen. Amin.



Grimesthorpe Academy

Jami'ul Fuqara with Grimesthorpe Academy serves the community by offering facilities for five daily prayers with congregation. There is a range of classes for adults and children to progress along the path of Islam.


Lyons Road


S4 7EL